Thursday, October 26, 2017

Internet Archives Brings Us Voice of Will Rogers & More…. Treasure Chest Thursday

     I recently meandered down a path on a somewhat-indirect-but-intriguing journey while reading my family research related emails.  You see, Internet Archive has a newsletter with enticing tidbits that make you want to go see
Will Rogerswhat the story is behind each subject introduced.  And before you know it you’re exploring their collections.  I feel as though you open a treasure chest of information each time you visit.  So I’m bringing a short Treasure Chest Thursday note here to share another piece of the website that’s so rich with historical resources.
     On my latest trip into these intriguing archives,  I found myself listening to old recordings and discovered several witty Will Rogers sound bites.  There I was mesmerized in the 1920s and 30s.  Probably the fact that my Mom was a big admirer of his played a role in my curiosity.  Just one very brief example of what I found is in the link below to his brief, but entertaining,  “address to bankers” upon their gathering for a convention in 1924.  Somehow in his humorous comments he winds together bootleggers, congress and vice presidents.  Not only was the rhetoric somewhat ironic to the politics and general public feelings of today, but I thought it even closer to home perhaps.  While hearing the actual unique tenor of Will Rogers witty insights, I couldn’t help but wonder what my mother would’ve been thinking since her father, Harry L. Weber, was a banker during this time frame and beyond.  But, of course, Harry wasn’t of the ilk mentioned!
     Will Rogers persona was completely unguarded and transparent.  He summed up his personal philosophy this way: “Live your life so that whenever you lose you are ahead.”  (His statement in July, 1931. Quoted in the book “Will Rogers Says” that’s also available through Internet Archive’s website.) 
     This website has thousands of choices for browsing in text, audio, video and images.  That’s where I found the photo of Will above as well.  The recordings I referred to earlier include this link to “Will Rogers Talks To The Bankers.”  Another very entertaining and interesting overall philosophical Rogers collection is included in these 18 recordings where he gives his views on many issues and circumstances, such as, “Never miss a good chance to shut up.”  
     So, I’ll make this a short post for today since there’s a mess of places I have yet to visit in that storehouse at Internet Archive.

Thanks for visiting Indiana Ties,

Copyright © 2017, Nancy Niehaus Hurley

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