It's Saturday Night, time for more Genealogy Fun!! Here's the fun from Randy Seaver's blog: Does anyone have answers to add? Please leave me your comments below.
For this week's mission (should you decide to accept it), I challenge you to:
Geneablogger Alona Tester has devised a new meme called the "When I Was Young" genea-meme on her blog, LoneTester HQ. Since the genea-meme is 25 questions, let's do them five at a time. This week, answer questions 1 to 5.
1) Do you (or your parents) have any memorabilia from when you were a baby? (ie. baby book, lock of hair, first shoes etc.)
I don't have a baby book or lock of hair, but do have photos of me as a baby. I also have the instructions from the doctor that told my parents how much milk mixed with Karo syrup to feed me as a newborn.
Geneablogger Alona Tester has devised a new meme called the "When I Was Young" genea-meme on her blog, LoneTester HQ. Since the genea-meme is 25 questions, let's do them five at a time. This week, answer questions 1 to 5.
1) Do you (or your parents) have any memorabilia from when you were a baby? (ie. baby book, lock of hair, first shoes etc.)
I don't have a baby book or lock of hair, but do have photos of me as a baby. I also have the instructions from the doctor that told my parents how much milk mixed with Karo syrup to feed me as a newborn.
2) Do you know if you were named after anyone?
I guess you could say I was named after my older sister who died just a year before I was born.
3) And do you know of any other names your parents might have named you?
No other names were ever mentioned instead of the one I have.
4) What is your earliest memory?
I remember learning to ride a two-wheel bike. It must have been when I was about eight years old. When I could complete eight circuits of a figure eight in our driveway my mother gave me a lapel pin of a bicycle.
5) Did your parent/s (or older siblings) read, sing or tell stories to you? Do you remember any of these?
I don't remember anyone singing songs to me, although music was popular in our home. My mother did recite nursery rhymes to me. I remember "There was a little girl who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead. And when she was good she was very, very good and when she was bad she was horrid." (I had naturally curly hair.)
What a lovely a lapel badge! It is interesting to see what American's received compared to Australian!