Harry Adam Weber, the eldest of five children of Adam and Amelia (Micol) Weber, was born in Indianapolis on September 12, 1859. He was baptized six days later in St. Mary's Catholic Church in Indianapolis.
His given name was Henry and it's unclear exactly when he began using Harry. Listings in the Indianapolis City Directories through 1887 indicate his name as Henry.
To begin filling in the picture of his chosen field in life, city directories provide information on him working as a clerk in the Leon Kahn Dry Goods Store and The New York Store from 1875 to 1885, 15 to 26 years of age. In those last few years another person of note that also worked at The New York Store was Louis A. Zimmer, as a cashier. These young men were gaining experience in the retail business.
By looking at Henry's marriage license application in 1886 I learned that he had become a "merchant." It appears that he started his dry goods business close to the time of that he married Mary. The listing in the business section of the city directories from 1886 to 1912 read similar to this: Dry Goods: Weber & Zimmer, Henry A. Weber, Louis A. Zimmer, Dry goods, notions, ladies and gent's furnishing goods. (See the 1887 directory on the right.)
The Weber and Zimmer Dry Goods store at 178 Virginia Avenue was well situated for the commerce and local business of that time, close to the Indianapolis Wholesale District and Union Station, within a popular German district. City directories and Harry's obituary indicate the store operated from 1887 through 1913, having moved from Virginia Avenue to Shelby Street (two or three blocks) in the last couple of years.
I have often dreamed of finding an historical record that would give us an idea of what the Weber & Zimmer dry goods business looked like or how it operated. Well, it pays to keep Googling. The
Weber & Zimmer operated through 1912. When Harry retired from the dry goods business after 26 years, he moved into other types of occupations. He worked in the Indianapolis city engineer's office in the administrations of Joseph E. Bell and Lew Shank. And later was employed at the George L. Paetz Company as a clerk. It appears that he retired around the age of 71. Harry A. Weber seems to have been an industrious person, setting out with his partner, Louis A. Zimmer, in his new business at the age of 27. He and Mary raised 12 children and provided a home for Harry's mother as well for about 12 years. During his years of building his business there may have been community involvement that brought him into political circles to some degree. Maybe that entry gave him an opportunity for the position he acquired at the time he closed his business. There's more sleuthing to be done to see if there could be any more hints about his life in newspapers, or wherever.
Thank you for visiting Indiana Ties. Let me know if you relate to this ancestor in the dry goods business.
Further family information: I've written before about Harry's mother, Amelia Micol, about his father, Adam Weber, and about his wife, Mary Anna Keen.
Copyright 2014 © Nancy Niehaus Hurley
combination. Might be referring membership in a fire fighting co op. Fire fighting was very different then. It wasn't a city service, in some areas the first company with a ladder up got paid by the insurance company. In others if you didn't pay your dues they would let your building burn. Just a thought not sure how it was there at that time.