One of those temporary traditions that I was reflecting on recently is the silver aluminum Christmas tree. Remember the color wheel that reflected changing colors on the tree? This one makes me smile for several reasons. We had
Isn’t it a little strange that we had a silver aluminum tree with rotating colors? How did that seem like a good idea? Or why add a second tree to the family home? Or why would one or both of my parents like the idea of dealing with both trees, decorations, setup, etc? Sometimes things just are what they are. No reason.
But wait….Maybe we were “cool”, having the trendiest thing. No, that’s not it. I guess the reflection of the green, red, blue and yellow on the silver tree was mesmerizing, and maybe soothing. We could see the lights down the hallway, casting the festive colors in other parts of the house.
Wow! After “reflecting” more closely on this temporary tradition, it wasn’t really that strange!
Hope you come across a good Christmas memory…even if it seems a little quirky….until you reflect a little more.
Wishing you a very nice Christmas!!!
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