I didn’t necessarily expect any revelations. I just wanted to have Rose’s birth certificate because it’s primary documentation of her history. Her baptismal record at Sacred Heart Catholic Church had already provided an indirect confirmation of the date and place of her birth. However, we could question the place of birth that someone listed on the church record. Sure enough, it’s the same address on the official birth certificate: 733 Parkway Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana. A search on Google for that address shows an empty lot. Oh well, I can see the homes on Parkway remaining today and get an idea of the neighborhood where this young family lived. I also found that Rose’s older brother Bob was born at this same address on Parkway in 1914. I drove to that spot.
I found the signature and address of the attending physician, C. W. Marxer. Brief research on this doctor resulted in a listing for Dr. Conrad Marxer as an instructor in obstetrics at the Central College of Physicians and Surgeons in Indianapolis in 1902. This certificate also has an additional line where a midwife could be listed. There’s a signature of H. G. Morgan. Records online confirm a Dr. H. G. Morgan was the secretary of the City Health Board in 1916. He may have signed all birth certificates at this time. For sure, Miss Wintz isn’t recorded anywhere on this official document. Now I’m a little closer to the description of her involvement in my mother’s birth. Maybe she was present. We might never know the details. If she was there, I can now say it probably wasn’t in the capacity of official midwife.
What else did this 100-year-old record from the Indiana State Board of Health bring? Of course, the age and occupation information on Harry and Tillie Weber, Rose’s parents, is included. Also, I see that Rose was born at 8:30 a.m. on that March 3 in 1916. It may have been a sleepless night for Tillie. Probably for Harry as well. And possibly for their two-year-old son, Bob. Just speculating. But with a little more reason to do so, right?
Transcription:Indiana State Board of Health Certificate of Birth, Reg. No. 36169
Place of birth: County of Marion, Township of Center, City of Indianapolis, No: 733 Parkway Ave., 13th Ward
Full name of child: Rosemary Ethel Weber
Sex of child: girl
Legitimate: yes
Date of birth: Mar 3, 1916
Father: Harry L. Weber
Residence: 733 Parkway Ave.
Color or race: White
Age: 28
Birthplace: Indianapolis, Ind.
Occupation: Clerk
Mother: Tillie Kuhn
Residence: 733 Parkway Ave.
Color or race: White
Age: 25
Birthplace: Indianapolis, Ind.
Occupation: House work
Number of children born to this mother, including present birth: 2
Number of children of this mother, now living, including present birth: 2
Were precautions taken against opthalmin neonatorum: yes
Certificate of Attending Physicial or Midwife
I hereby certify that I attended the birth of this child, who was alive at 8:30 a.m. on the date above stated.
Signature: C. W. Marxer
Attending physicial, midwife, householder: H. G. Morgan
Address: 503 E. McCarty St.
Filed: March 6, 1916
It really is true that each old record is valuable,
regardless of what information we already have. This database online is
definitely a treasure chest for anyone lacking the basic family facts. But even
though I had many of the facts on my mother, her birth certificate is very
important to me. I’ll probably connect more dots along the road as a result of
having this additional piece to add to Rose Weber’s history.
Thanks for visiting Indiana Ties,
Copyright © 2016, Nancy Niehaus
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