These six fishermen are connected through the Weber family in Indianapolis. From left to right are: Dick Lieland, Bob Weber, Harry Weber, Charlie Kuhn, Ed Ditlinger and Dick Sauer. The photo was taken about 1935. Dick Lieland, Bob Weber and Dick Sauer are cousins. Harry Weber is the father of Bob Weber and uncle of the two other boys. Charlie Kuhn and Ed Ditlinger are brothers-in-law of Harry.
The location of their successful fishing trip is unknown. But since the Ditlinger family lived on a farm in North Vernon, Indiana, where the men went to hunt, there's a good possibility that may be where they snagged the catch for this day.
I'm again grateful to my uncle, Bob Weber, for preserving this family photo in his albums. There must be another relative along for this trip, maybe a Lieland or Sauer dad, since Bob is not behind the camera this time. They all look pleased and ready to have a fish fry!
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