Wordless Wednesday Almost photo could hold a host of stories, I'm sure. I'm sharing another photo from my Uncle Bob Weber's collection. But this time, he's in the shot! He worked for twenty years for the H. Lieber Company in Indianapolis, a company that specialized in photographic equipment and supplies and photofinishing.

Bob is behind the counter with three fellow employees. He's the young man closest to the front of the photo. The year would be about 1940, when Bob was 26 years old. And you will notice from the mark in the right corner that this photo was a part of the Bass Photo Co. collection, probably taken by Bob's cousin, Ray Hinz, who worked for Bass. I wrote about Ray in
an earlier post. Bob and Ray were great friends and shared their photography interests.
Any family with a story to add to this photo? Uncle Bob was a great family photographer and I'm grateful for him preserving these memories. Thanks for visiting Indiana Ties!
Copyright © 2014 Nancy Niehaus Hurley
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